Thursday, October 11, 2012

lv wallets Tips On How Top Arrange A Stag P Arty_30619

Arranging a stag party for your young thirteener may seems to be difficult and confusing for the parents but for young thirteen it always proved to be a great fun and enjoyable. This article will give you an idea on how to arrange a successful party for your kids.

Just recently our young thirteener asked to have "the fellows in for a stag party." A bit breath-taking at first thought, but we soon learned that he wanted fourteen of his classmates in for an evening party. He had ideas about the party and we had ideas about the living-room furniture, so we sat down together and worked out a scheme of entertainment that proved to be very successful.

We decided to have a field meet of two competitive schools. We chose red and green as school colors. For decorations we used red and green balloons. It's fun to stick balloons on the walls and ceiling for decoration. Don't be shocked our method leaves no marks on the wallpaper or paint. By rubbing an inflated balloon lightly and quickly on a wool rug and immediately touching the rubbed surface to the wall, the balloon will stick indefinitely. In case of a boy's party it is well to have the balloons on the upper wall or ceiling as they are less handy to pop with a pin.

As soon as the boys arrived we passed a hat in which had been placed small red and green paper pennants. The red pennants were banners for the school we called "Eat more," the green we labeled "So what." This drawing automatically divided the guests evenly between "Eat more" and "So what."

The groups were then told that the Eat more and so what schools were having a field meet. Various types of activities were to be participated in at the event. Points would be given the winner of each contest. At the close of the contest the losing team would serve as waiters to feed the winning team. The boys were immensely interested and this way of dividing them into groups left no room for hurt feelings.

We then asked each group to make up a school yell for their school to encourage the contestants. The groups retired to different rooms and had a hilarious time creating their school yell. Then they chose their own cheer leader.

The first event was a discus-throwing contest. Each school group chose a lad they felt would be the best at throwing a discus. The contestants lined up and were given paper plates which they attempted with much hilarity to throw across the room. Did you ever try to throw a paper plate? Each man was given three throws, and five points were awarded the winner of each trial. The cheer leaders led the yells to support their contestants. Each team had a scorekeeper.

Various types of activities and games were to be participated and the group must be divided in an equal number so that no room left for hurt feelings.


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