Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I can't speak

I can't speak. I'm sick. I was trying to have integrity, Instead, I'm the girl who stole eight hundred dollars and a pair of dirty underwear. I'm a felon and a freak.
"Dude, I mean it, you better get out of here. Bob's on the noon shift and he's not nearly as cool as me." Noon. Right. Gotta go grab Grayer and drag him to Darwin's birthday party.
"STOP IT! I DON'T LIKE THAT!" Grayer screams, his face flattened into the metal rails that line the upper deck of the boat.
I crouch down to whisper in his assailant's ear. "Darwin, if you do not step away from Grayer in the next two seconds I'm going to throw you overboard." Darwin turns in shock to my smiling face. Good Witch/Bad Witch on three hours of sleep and out eight hundred dollars; kid, you don't want to mess with me today.
He falters a few feet back and Grayer, a red imprint running across his right cheek where it was pressed against the pipe, wraps himself around my leg. Grayer has only been the focus of Darwin's torture for the past few minutes, joining the ranks of fifty other terrorized birthday-party guests, held prisoner for the last two hours on the Circle Line Jazzfest Cruise.
"Darwin! Honey, it's almost time for your cake. Go on over to the table so Sima can help you with the candles." Mrs. Zuckerman glides over to us in her Gucci ballet flats and matching pedal pushers. She is a vision in pink and gold and, coupled with her multitude of diamonds, practically blinding in the afternoon sun.
"Well, Grayer,ladies rolex datejusts, what's the matter? Don't you want cake?" She tosses her three-hundred-dollar highlights in Grayer's direction and leans against the rail beside me. I'm far too tired for small talk, but am able to put on what I hope is a charming smile.
"Great party," I finally muster,jeremy scott shop, hauling G up onto my hip and out of harm's way, so he can look over my shoulder into the white-crested wake behind us.
"Sima and I have been planning it for months. We really had to put our heads together to top last year's overnight at Gracie Mansion, but I just said 'Now, Sima! Creativity is part of the special something you bring to our family, so go to it!' And I tell you, she has really done it." Screams emerge from the stern of the boat and Sima races past us, panic-stricken. Darwin follows closely behind, lunging out after her with a flaming Tiffany's lighter.
"Darwin," Mrs. Zuckerman admonishes him lightly, "I said to help Sima, not set her on fire." She laughs gaily, taking the lighter from him and clicking the top down. She hands it sternly to a red-faced Sima. "See that he doesn't run around with this next time. I shouldn't have to remind you that it was a gift from his grandfather."
Sima accepts the sterling silver box, without lifting her eyes. She takes Darwin's hand and pulls him delicately back to his cake.
Mrs. Zuckerman leans in to me, the gold Cs on her glasses gleaming. "I'm so lucky, really. We're like sisters." I smile and nod. She nods back at me, "Please give my regards to Grayer's mom and please be sure to tell her that I have the name of a great d-i-v-o-r-c-e lawyer for her. He got my friend Alice ten percent above her prenup."

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