Tuesday, December 18, 2012

缇庡浗浼楃 American Gods_310

on the wall was yellow, but it might once have been white.
After ten minutes Chad brought him a watery cup of vending machine hot chocolate. "What's in the bag?" he asked. And it was only then that Shadow realized he was still holding the plastic bag containing the Minutes of the Lakeside City Council.
"Old book," said Shadow. "Your grandfather's picture's in here,chanel. Or great-grandfather maybe."
Shadow flipped through the book until he found the portrait of the town council, and he pointed to the man called Mulligan. Chad chuckled. "If that don't beat all," he said.
Minutes passed, and hours, in that room,http://www.rolexsubmarinerreplica.info/. Shadow read two of the Sports Illustrateds and he started in on the Newsweek. From time to time Chad would come through, once checking to see if Shadow needed to use the rest room, once to offer him a ham roll and a small packet of potato chips.
"Thanks," said Shadow, taking them. "Am I under arrest yet?"
Chad sucked the air between his teeth. "Well," he said, "not yet. It doesn't look like you came by the name Mike Ainsel legally. On the other hand, you can call yourself whatever you want in this state, if it's not for fraudulent purposes,nike foamposites. You just hang loose."
"Can I make a phone call?"
"Is it a local call?"
"Long distance."
"It'll save money if I put it on my calling card, otherwise you'll just be feeding ten bucks worth of quarters into that thing in the hall."
Sure, thought Shadow. And this way you'll know the number I dialed, and you'll probably be listening in on an extension.
"That would be great," said Shadow. They wait into an empty office. The number Shadow gave Chad to dial for him was that of a funeral home in Cairo, Illinois. Chad dialed it, handed Shadow the receiver. "I'll leave you in here," he said, and went out.
The telephone rang several times, then it was picked up.
"Jacquel and Ibis? Can I help you?"
"Hi,foamposite for cheap. Mister Ibis, this is Mike Ainsel. I helped out there for a few days over Christmas."
A moment's hesitation, then, "Of course. Mike. How are you?"
"Not great, Miste

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