Tuesday, December 4, 2012

  Bess told her

  Bess told her, adding, with the persuasive smile of her father:

  'Josie longs to be an actress,fake uggs, and has waited for a month to see you.

  This is a great happiness for her.'

  'Bless the child! why didn't she come and call? I'd have let her in;though usually I avoid stage-struck girls as I do reporters,' laughedMiss Cameron.

  There was no time for more; a brown hand, grasping the bracelet, roseout of the sea, followed by a purple face as Josie came up so blindand dizzy she could only cling to Bess, half drowned but triumphant.

  Miss Cameron drew her to the rock where she sat, and pushing the hairout of her eyes, revived her with a hearty 'Bravo! bravo!' whichassured the girl that her first act was a hit. Josie had oftenimagined her meeting with the great actress--the dignity and gracewith which she would enter and tell her ambitious hopes, theeffective dress she would wear, the witty things she would say, thedeep impression her budding genius would make. But never in herwildest moments had she imagined an interview like this; scarlet,sandy, streaming, and speechless she leaned against the illustriousshoulder, looking like a beautiful seal as she blinked and wheezedtill she could smile joyfully and exclaim proudly:

  'I did get it! I'm so glad!'

  'Now get your breath, my dear; then I shall be glad also. It was verynice of you to take all that trouble for me. How shall I thank you?'

  asked the lady, looking at her with the beautiful eyes that could sayso many things without words.

  Josie clasped her hands with a wet spat which rather destroyed theeffect of the gesture, and answered in a beseeching tone that wouldhave softened a far harder heart than Miss Cameron's:

  'Let me come and see you once--only once! I want you to tell me if Ican act; you will know. I'll abide by what you say; and if you thinkI can--by and by, when I've studied very hard--I shall be thehappiest girl in the world. May I?'

  'Yes; come tomorrow at eleven. We'll have a good talk; you shall showme what you can do, and I'll give you my opinion. But you won't likeit.'

  'I will, no matter if you tell me I'm a fool. I want it settled; sodoes mamma. I'll take it bravely if you say no; and if you say yes,I'll never give up till I've done my best--as you did.'

  'Ah, my child, it's a weary road, and there are plenty of thornsamong the roses when you've won them. I think you have the courage,and this proves that you have perseverance. Perhaps you'll do. Come,and we'll see.'

  Miss Cameron touched the bracelet as she spoke, and smiled so kindlythat impetuous Josie wanted to kiss her; but wisely refrained, thoughher eyes were wet with softer water than any in the sea as shethanked her.

  'We are keeping Miss Cameron from her bath, and the tide is goingout. Come, Josie,cheap north face down jackets,' said thoughtful Bess, fearing to outstay theirwelcome,fake foamposites.

  'Run over the beach and get warm. Thank you very much, littlemermaid. Tell papa to bring his daughter to see me any time.

  Good-bye'; and with a wave of her hand the tragedy queen dismissedher court, but remained on her weedy throne watching the two lithefigures race over the sand with twinkling feet till they were out ofsight. Then, as she calmly bobbed up and down in the water, she saidto herself: 'The child has a good stage face, vivid, mobile,fake ugg delaine boots; fineeyes, abandon, pluck, will. Perhaps she'll do. Good stock--talent inthe family. We shall see.'

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